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Surf -

It's Summa Somewhere

We caught up with our big wave surfer Summa Longbottom to chat about her swell chasing adventures over the last 6 months.


20 years old and born in Australia, Summa is a surfer from the South Coast who is also learning to shape boards with her dad Dylan Longbottom. The dynamic father-daughter duo has been chasing big waves around the world and will continue to do so until the end of time.


What have you been up to the last few months? Where have you been surfing?

I’ve been to a couple different places in the last couple months including places like Tahiti, Indonesia, Tasmania, Fiji and travelling to different states in Australia. My favourite place and wave that I went to was Teahupoo, Tahiti.



What are the key factors you consider when choosing a surf spot?

Key factors in choosing a surf spot would be searching for lefts being a goofy and also making sure the wave isn’t too out of my limits for me and what I’m capable of.


What is the most memorable wave you have ever surfed? What made it so special?

My most memorable wave I’ve surfed would have to be Teahupoo because of how beautiful the place and wave is. I had always wanted to surf a place like that being a goofy. 



What boards are you surfing these huge waves on?

I’m riding my tow boards in these big waves which is 5’8 and my step up board for paddling is 5’11.


What dangerous situations have you encountered while surfing? How did you handle them?

I haven’t been in many serious situations yet but one time I copped a 2 wave hold down when it was big and that was pretty scary but I just remained calm until I came up.


What is your surfing go to outfit?

My go to suit for these waves is my impact vest and pull cord vest which helps protect me from hitting the bottom and helping me reach the surface.



How do you stay motivated and push your limits in surfing?

I stay motivated by staying positive about every situation and always trying to push myself one step further each time I surf.



What is your favourite surfing destination?

My favourite surf destination would have to be Aussie Pipe, South Coast NSW.


What is next for you? 

I’m not sure what is next for me but I’m hoping to go to WA soon and surf the waves over there as there’s so many different types of waves over there.