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On the North Shore with LiliKoi and her sisters

Three sisters Lili, Stella and Isabel. Each with their own characteristics, emotions, passions and dreams. Though different, same in many aspects and in accord with their love of home, the North Shore.

Grown by sandy shores, and sun kissed days. Their home filled with an abundance of love and creativity, and not to forget, many animals. It’s these girls love for the earth and all it has given them that is the light that shines so brightly. We caught up with Lili, Stella, and Isabel, and Brooke from @brooklynhawaii and adventured around the North Shore. Each spot just as quiet and local as the last. Letting spontaneity guide us to green shorelines and blue seas we fell in love with these girls.

Through laughs and chats about everything under the sun and stories from times when the moon was hanging above them we got to know these girls through and through. They got to know us and let us into their world. From one spot to the next they had endless memories of this place that will always be home. A place where beach days are an everyday thing and camping out in the car waiting for the rain to pass is less of a hassle and more of a pastime.

Scroll through the images below + a little Q&A from these incredible girls who are beautiful both inside and out...

Which sister has the best dance moves?

We all dance like little old men, and each of us has our own weird signature dance move. It normally involves a lot of wiggly arms and strange kicking. But if we had to pick, Stella is probably the best…we’ve seen her twerk before hahaha.

Who has the best style and why?

Lili has the best style because she is the oldest. She’s had most time to collect things, but we’re catching up real quick (unrelated—things keep mysteriously disappearing from her closet).

One piece or two-piece?

Definitely two piece, for when you want to bring your food baby to the beach.

Who is the sweetest, dare we ask salty…although you are all the sweetest in our book!?

Nellie (a Pisces) is definitely the sweetest, Lili (a Taurus) is the most bossy, and Stella (a Leo) has the most attitude for sure. If you need someone to console in, Nellie is your gal. If you need to get something done, Lili is the one to take charge. And Stella is the one you rob a bank with (jk). She’s the funny, loyal, sassy one.

Who makes you shake your head no, the most?

Stella!!! Always a wild one haha.

Best adventure you had as a kid with your sisters?

As kids, we went on adventures all the time. We were raised in a little crooked shack with lots of animals and no power or television, so we were always encouraged to play outside. One of our favorite things to do was to steal mangos from our neighbors yard incognito (apparently we weren’t fooling anybody). But our biggest adventure was when we all packed up our things, flew to the mainland with our family (our parents, six kids, and a hamster), and drove around the entire country crammed in a van. We hit every continental state and would collect a bumper sticker from each one. By the end of the year, the van was more sticker than metal. We set up camp in each state, and encountered lots of firsts, including snow, alligators, and poison ivy.

Who is guaranteed to have the jokes?

We all joke around a lot, but Stella probably has the best humor. It’s dry and witty. She only talks when she really has something to say, so it makes her jokes that much funnier.

You are all in different stages of life, from traveling the world, to engaged, to teenager. If you could give one piece of advice to your other sisters what would it be?

Lili – My advice is that you really have no idea what life has in store for you. Stay open-minded because plans will change. If you told me five years ago what my life would be like today, I wouldn’t believe it.

Nellie- I would say that goals are important, but don’t lose sight of the little things. Those are what make you happiest. Take time to watch the sunsets, pick shells, spend time with the ones you love. Those are the moments you’ll cherish most.

Stella- My advice is to have as much fun as you can, and to hold onto your youth. Stay silly and collect as many genuine friends as you can.

Do you have animals? Which one is your favorite?

We’re actually animal hoarders. Between the three of us, we have six dogs, three cats, and an Umbrella Cockatoo named Bird. Each one is a rescue with a unique personality, so it’s hard to pick a favorite. Khaleesi is our oldest and biggest pitbull…her main job is to protect our home. She is a gentle giant with the smaller dogs and Bird, but will guard us fiercely from strangers. Dexter is the smallest, and the OG of our wolfpack. He’s blind so he has a soft spot in our hearts, but he doesn’t let it slow him down one bit. He’s beside the rest of his brothers and sisters, hiking to waterfalls, swimming at the beach, and eating shoes. Bird is interesting because all she wants to do is cuddle, and she’s always calling us “Pretty Girls, Pretty Girls.” She’s by far the most work of all the animals, but she is also the most loving.

What can’t you live without… besides your sisters?

Fooooooood. Sometimes, we are alarmed at how much we can eat in one sitting. Life is short, eat that Pad Thai! No regrets.

How was it shooting with your sisters?

It was really fun shooting together because each of us has our own style of modeling, which Brooklyn captured perfectly. We were able to encourage each other throughout the day, goof around, and take pretty pictures :)

If you had to describe your sisters individually in 3 words what would they be?

Lili - Strong, resourceful, family-oriented

Nellie – Sweet, silly, loyal

Stella- Wild, clever, independent